How to add a splash screen to a Flutter Android app
From this article, I’m going to describe the correct way of adding a splash screen for a Flutter android app. There are multiple ways to set up a splash screen in Flutter applications but the correct way to do this, set up a splash screen with native codes. The splash screens allow time for the app engine to load and initialize the app. This article contains a method to set up a splash screen on the Android side of a Flutter app.
Adding splash icon image to the project
- First of all, we need to generate a splash icon image with different pixel densities(
). To convert the splash icon images in different densities flow the online converter link;
you have to have a high-resolution image for this. - After converting the splash icon rename all the image files in the same name. (ex -:
) - Then navigate to the following folder path inside the project
android > app > src > main > res
- Copy the converted splash icon images to the respective density mipmap folders
ex :-mdpi
density image tomipmap-mdpi
Change the launch_backgeound.xml file
- Change the
files inside drawable folders(my project consist of drawable and drawable-v21 folders). - Uncomment 7–11 lines and replace launch_image name with your splash icon name
after uncommenting, the code looks like following;
3. Run the application to see the newly added splash screen
Change the background colour of the splash screen
- Create
file inside the values folder. (path:andoird > app > scr > main > res > values
) - Edit the file adding the custom colour you want
3. Replace the 4th line of launch_background.xml
file by importing the custom colour
ex:-<item android:drawable=”@color/splash_color”/>
after importing custom colour, the code looks like following;
4. Rebuild the project to see the new splash screen with the custom background colour
These are the steps to add a splash to the Flutter android app. If you know XML well, you can edit the launch_background.xml
files inside drawable folders to create amazing splash screens.
Access the full source code using the link below;
Thanks for reading. 😊