How to install JMeter on Amazon Linux

Prabhanu Gunaweera
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2023


Hi Geeks, This is my 3rd article related to DevOps. This article walks you through the steps of installing JMeter on Amazon Linux


In order to install Jmeter, you need to have the Java runtime environment installed on your instance. You can check whether it’s installed by using the java -version command.

If Java is not installed on your instance, please follow the steps in the following article

Installing Jmeter

Here are the steps to install Jmeter:

1) Open your favourite browser and go to

2) Right-click on the Jmeter .tgz file and copy the link to the binaries.

3) Login to the instance and run the command wget to download Jmeter to the instance.

4) Extract the Jmeter archive using the command tar -xf apache-jmeter-5.6.tgz

5) Navigate to the bin folder inside the Jmeter folder using the command cd apache-jmeter-5.6/bin

6) Check whether the examples are in the example folder using the command ls examples/

7) Test whether Jmeter is working fine by running the CSVSample.jmx example test using the command ./ -n -t examples/CSVSample.jmx

Kudos…! 🎉 Now you have successfully installed and tested Jmeter on your Amazon Linux

That’s it for this quick tutorial. If you have any questions regarding this, please leave a comment or contact me on LinkedIn.

Thanks for reading..! Happy debugging..!

